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Displaying Text

This page covers how text displaying works. It will cover Span, Line, and Text, and how these can be created, styled, displayed, altered, and such.


A Span is a styled segment of text. You can think of it as a substring with its own unique style. It is the most basic unit of displaying text in ratatui.

The examples below assume the following imports:

use ratatui::{prelude::*, widgets::*};

A Span consists of “content” and a “style” for the content. And a Span can be created in a few different ways.

  1. using Span::raw:

    fn ui(_app: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
    let span = Span::raw("This is text that is not styled");
    // --snip--
  2. using Span::styled:

    fn ui(_app: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
    let span = Span::styled("This is text that will be yellow", Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow));
    // --snip--
  3. using the Stylize trait:

    fn ui(_app: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
    let span = "This is text that will be yellow".yellow();
    // --snip--

A Span is the basic building block for any styled text, and can be used anywhere text is displayed.


The next building block that we are going to talk about is a Line. A Line represents a cluster of graphemes, where each unit in the cluster can have its own style. You can think of an instance of the Line struct as essentially a collection of Span objects, i.e. Vec<Span>.

Since each Line struct consists of multiple Span objects, this allows for varied styling in a row of words, phrases or sentences.

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let line = Line::from(vec![
" ".into(),
// --snip--

A Line can be constructed directly from content, where the content is Into<Cow<'a, &str>>.

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let line = Line::from("hello world");
// --snip--

You can even style a full line directly:

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let line = Line::styled("hello world", Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow));
// --snip--

And you can use the Stylize trait on the line directly by using into():

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let line: Line = "hello world".yellow().into();
// --snip--

Finally, you can also align it using alignment() or the shorthand methods left_aligned(), centered() and right_aligned(). Widgets using Line internally will generally respect this.

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let line = Line::from("hello world").alignment(Alignment::Center);
let line = Line::from("hello world").centered(); // shorthand
// --snip--


Text is the final building block of outputting text. A Text object represents a collection of Lines.

Most widgets accept content that can be converted to Text.

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let span1 = "hello".red();
let span2 = "world".red().bold();
let line = Line::from(vec![span1, " ".into(), span2]);
let text = Text::from(line);
f.render_widget(Paragraph::new(text).block(Block::bordered()), f.area());

Here’s an HTML representation of what you’d get in the terminal:

hello world

Often code like the one above can be simplified:

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let line: Line = vec![
" ".into(),
f.render_widget(Paragraph::new(line).block(Block::bordered()), f.area());

This is because in this case, Rust is able to infer the types and convert them appropriately.

Text instances can be created using the raw or styled constructors too.

Something that you might find yourself doing pretty often for a Paragraph is wanting to have multiple lines styled differently. This is one way you might go about that:

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let text = vec![
"hello world 1".into(),
"hello world 2".blue().into(),
Line::from(vec!["hello".green(), " ".into(), "world".green().bold(), "3".into()]),
f.render_widget(Paragraph::new(text).block(Block::bordered()), f.area());

hello world 1

hello world 2

hello world 3

We will talk more about styling in the next section.

As with Line, a Text can be aligned with alignment() or the shorthand methods left_aligned(), centered() and right_aligned(). Widgets using Text internally will generally respect this. Note in the example below, you can override the alignment for a particular line.

fn ui(_: &App, f: &mut Frame) {
let text= Text::from(vec![
Line::from("hello world 1").left_aligned(),
Line::from("hello world 2"),
Line::from("hello world 3").right_aligned(),
f.render_widget(Paragraph::new(text).block(Block::bordered()), f.area());

hello world 1

hello world 2

hello world 3