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Feature Flags

As ratatui grows and evolves, this list may change, so make sure to check the main repo if you are unsure.

Backend Selection

For most cases, the default crossterm backend is the correct choice. See Backends for more information. However, this can be changed to termion or termwiz

Terminal window
# Defaults to crossterm
cargo add ratatui
# For termion, unset the default crossterm feature and select the termion feature
cargo add ratatui --no-default-features --features=termion
cargo add termion
# For termwiz, unset the default crossterm feature and select the termwiz feature
cargo add ratatui --no-default-features --features=termwiz
cargo add termwiz


This feature enables some extra widgets that are not in default to save on compile time. As of v0.21, the only widget in this feature group is the calendar widget, which can be enabled with the widget-calendar feature.

Terminal window
cargo add ratatui --features all-widgets


This feature enables the calendar widget, which requires the time crate.

Terminal window
cargo add ratatui --features widget-calendar


Enables serialization and deserialization of style and color types using the Serde crate. This is useful if you want to save themes to a file.

Terminal window
cargo add ratatui --features serde